The cooperation with stakeholders was ensured through stakeholders’ forums: events that were organised side-by-side with the workshops and the final consortium meeting. Stakeholder forums had a form of round tables where the goals of the project were explained and the relevant stakeholders in the field (NGOs, representatives of institutions providing social services (e.g. public health, court, social welfare institutions), representative of migrant groups and of professional associations of healthcare workers and language professionals) were invited in order to generate multiplier effects at territorial and sector-specific level. These forums allowed the consortium to share the innovative ways of their approach (in particular, since this was the first time that the experts in the field of intercultural mediation and community interpreting and public health were working together with a common goal of raising the quality of these services on the market) and to upscale the good practices developed during the project. Since the workshops were organized by the partners from Norway, Italy, Greece and Slovenia, the stakeholder forums were able to inform stakeholders of the activities and goals of the project in different states, and on the other hand they enabled the consortium to receive feedback from stakeholders and adapt the training to the specific needs of a local or regional environment.
Reports from Stakeholders’ Forums: