Estimated date | Activity | Related work package(s) |
March 2019 | Kick-off meeting held in Ljubljana | WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 |
March 2019 | TRAMIG Online services established | WP1 |
March 2019 | Workshop 1: Designing community interpreter and intercultural mediator trainer profile, and the production of the document defining the profile (Ljubljana) | WP2 |
March 2019 | Definition of the selection procedure for the candidates for participation in workshops | WP2 |
May 2019 | Definition of the trainer profile and of the occupational standards for the profession of a community interpreter and an intercultural mediator. | WP2 |
May 2019 | TRAMIG brochure | WP4 |
June 2019 | Workshop 2: Developing Learning and Teaching Methodologies (Oslo) | WP3 |
June 2019 | Dissemination event 1: Meeting with stakeholders in Oslo | WP4 |
June 2019 | Organization of a local seminar in the countries of partners | WP4 |
October 2019 | Workshop 3: Project-based Learning through Simulation (Trieste) | WP3 |
October 2019 | Dissemination event 2: Meeting with stakeholders in Trieste | WP4 |
October 2019 | Organization of a local seminar in the countries of partners | WP4 |
January 2020 | Mid-term report | WP1 |
February 2020 | Workshop 4: Project-based Learning through Immersion (Reggio Emilia) | WP3 |
February 2020 | Dissemination event 3: Meeting with stakeholders in Reggio Emilia | WP4 |
February 2020 | Organization of a local seminar in the countries of partners | WP4 |
May 2020 | Workshop 5: Final Examination and Quality Control (Thessaloniki) | WP3 |
May 2020 | Dissemination event 4: Meeting with stakeholders in Thessaloniki | WP4 |
May 2020 | Organization of a local seminar in the countries of partners | WP4 |
November 2020 | Consortium meeting held in Ljubljana | WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 |
November 2020 | Dissemination event 5: Meeting with stakeholders in Ljubljana | WP4 |
November 2020 | Partner contributions for TRAMIG book | WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 |
November 2020 | Summary of teacher training modules and practical arrangements for TRAMIG edited volume | WP4 |
December 2020 | TRAMIG edited volume published | WP4 |
January 2021 | Final report | WP1 |
Project timeline (.docx)